How pigeon exposure can cause irreparable lung disease. Here’s what you must know


A recent case study has shed light on the severe health risks associated with long-term exposure to pigeons. The study involves an 11-year-old boy from east Delhi who developed potentially fatal allergic reactions after prolonged contact with pigeon feathers and droppings. Initially presenting with what seemed like a routine cough, the boy’s condition quickly worsened, highlighting the unpredictable nature of certain medical conditions.

Case Study Summary

The young boy was brought to Sir Ganga Ram Hospital with severe headaches, vomiting, altered sensorium, and persistent numbness on the right side of his body. Doctors diagnosed him with Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (HP), a rare chronic lung disease in children caused by an allergic reaction to pigeon proteins. HP leads to lung inflammation and scarring, making it difficult to breathe.

Medical tests revealed lung inflammation and opacities consistent with HP. The boy received immediate treatment, including steroids and high-flow oxygen therapy, which helped reduce lung inflammation and restore his breathing. He responded positively to the treatment and was eventually discharged with a comprehensive care plan.

Understanding Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (HP)

HP is an interstitial lung disease resulting from inflammation caused by the immune system’s response to repeated exposure to environmental substances like bird allergens, molds, and fungi. Though more common among adults, HP can also affect children, with an incidence rate of 2-4 per 100,000 people annually.

Preventive Steps

To avoid similar health risks, consider the following steps:

  1. Limit Exposure: Avoid prolonged contact with pigeon feathers and droppings.
  2. Regular Cleaning: Keep living areas clean and free from bird droppings and feathers.
  3. Protective Gear: Use masks and gloves when cleaning areas contaminated by birds.
  4. Ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation in areas where birds are present.
  5. Education: Inform family and community members about the risks of bird allergens and ways to prevent exposure.

Call to Action

This case emphasizes the hidden health risks posed by long-term exposure to birds. Recognizing the early signs of HP and taking prompt action can prevent serious complications. Education about potential environmental triggers, like bird droppings and feathers, is essential for preventing similar incidents. Exercise caution while dealing with seemingly harmless pigeons and chickens to safeguard your health.


The case of the 11-year-old boy from Delhi highlights the critical importance of awareness and early diagnosis in preventing serious health complications from prolonged exposure to pigeons. By taking preventive measures and educating others, we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from the hidden dangers posed by these common birds.

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