QR codes- A new genie for the healthcare domain

In this Digital Age, even the patients want a direct and on-hand healthcare services. To fulfill this instant need of a patient, the healthcare organizations are adopting QR Scan facility, to make the patient get easier and faster interaction/engagement with the physician through their smartphones and tablets. The QR Codes are Eco-friendly, Hygienic, convenient alternative […]
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How to Build a Healthcare Content Marketing Strategy

Healthcare content can build trust and turn people into lifelong supporters of your brand. At the same time, creating superior health or wellness content can be challenging. It should always be engaging, informative, technically accurate, and compliant. The difficulty only increases when you want to produce amazing content regularly and within budget. To succeed, you’ll […]
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Patient Engagement Trends in Healthcare 2022

Has your business embraced virtual and digital patient experience trends, or are you still waiting for things to “get back to normal?” After returning to pre Covid normal, many businesses have embraced virtual and digital services in patient engagement which exceeds expectations in our new reality. Increased adoption of virtual and digital services combined with […]
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14 Health Care Business Ideas That Will Inspire You

Doctors who would like to healthcare entrepreneurs can explore some of the below mentioned health care business ideas. There’s an opportunity to do a world of good by serving aging Indian populations as well as the young. There are lots of new medical and technological advances, and widespread interest in health and wellness, too. And […]
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Trends That May Dominate Healthcare Industry In 2022

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been massive disruptions across differentindustries, apparently hitting the healthcare industry the hardest. Shortage of medical oxygensupply, wastage of vaccines due to lack of cold storage facilities, and acute shortage of staff, wereamong the biggest obstacles for India in fight against the Covid-19 pandemic this year. Butthankfully, […]
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Healthcare Marketing

“Primum Non-Nocere” in Hospital Marketing and challenges. The quote derived from one of the writings by the Father of Modern Medicine, Hippocrates, says: “Declare the past, diagnose the present, foretell the future; practice these acts. As to diseases, make a habit of two things — to help, or at least to do no harm.” And […]
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Reluctance to use technology in healthcare

Would Florence Nightingale have embraced virtual care? The answer would probably be yes, as she was a technological innovator in every sense – driving cleanliness in hospitals, promoting healthy eating to improve healing, and using data to reduce infection rates. Yet, today in healthcare, we see a slower rate of technology adoption in comparison to other industries, […]
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Leading Doctors: How to Start Your Own Medical Practice

You’ll need financial funding, qualifications, a well-planned structure, and a license before launching a medical practice. This is a usual answer to someone who asks how the leading doctors shall start their own medical practice. Yes, as we all know it takes years of training to become a doctor, but that might not fully qualify […]
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Importance Of Single Speciality Clinics In India

The quickly mushrooming single forte facilities and medical clinic industry will change the whole veneer of the medical services area in India. The ascent of single strength medical clinics across a range of different sub-claims to fame Hospitals like IVF facilities, Eye, mother and Child Hospitals, Dialysis, Orthopedics, and so forth are succeeding on the […]
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